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  1. MASVA

    RES Croatian resources MB6

    Step 1: Download compatible resources file below. pangu + v59 Step 2: Install it using Notify and Fitness. Step 2: In Mi Fit or Notify & Fitness set the language for Mi Band to Chech Change default watchface after Updating/charging messages are appears incorrectly/in different...
  2. MASVA

    Question Pair Mi Fit with Mi Band via entry in DB

    We had that issue with that firmware After few months, new version of mi fit 5.3.0 is available and i manage to pair band and mi fit and faulty firmware After that, successfuly flashed 1.05.16 firmware + res 53 (translated) with notify app
  3. MASVA

    Question Connect to mifit to update again error (mi band 5)

    havig a same issue with mi band 6... band is visible to the phone, but it cannot pair to it there is no solution but wait a new "compatible" Mi Fit version or buy anotherband!
  4. MASVA

    Question Mi Band 6 bricked

    tnx but is impossible to flash that firmware without auth key i cant connect my band anymore i give up time for something new...
  5. MASVA

    Question Mi Band 6 bricked

    decompile ? try with APK Easy Tool v1.59.2 on xda
  6. MASVA

    Question Mi Band 6 bricked

    Flashed firmware + v46 resources, all ok Yesterday flashed firmware, without resources, same version After few minutes, connection with phone was lost I can't pair band with phone anymore Band is visible in phone's Bluetooth settings but not connected I have auth key but after...
  7. MASVA

    RES Croatian resources MB6

    pangu_1.0.3.12.fw + pangu_v40res
  8. MASVA

    RES Croatian resources MB6

    tnx @MagicalUnicorn for Mi Bands Tools and Mi Fit 5.0.0 Croatian language for Mi Band 6 tested at my own band (At your own risk... We aren't responsible for bricked devices) Step 1: Download compatible resources file below. pangu_1.0.3.08.fw + pangu_v37.res Step 2: Install it using...
  9. MASVA

    RES Croatian Resources v97 MB4

    Croatian language for Mi Band 4 tnx @MagicalUnicorn for Mi Bands Tools and Mi Fit 4.7.0 (At your own risk... We aren't responsible for bricked devices) Firmware used cinco_1.0.9.68.fw Croatian RES v97 Updating/charging messages are appears incorrectly/in different language due some hard...
  10. MASVA

    RES Croatian resources MB5

    tnx @MagicalUnicorn for Mi Bands Tools and Mi Fit 4.7.0 Croatian language for Mi Band 5 (At your own risk... We aren't responsible for bricked devices) Step 1: Download compatible resources file below. Step 2: Install it using Notify and Fitness. Step 2: In Mi Fit or Notify & Fitness...